Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Dogs on Twaynz


Da uva Sundayz we did get up nice nd erli, go fur kwik snootewin walks nd pak up da car so we cud go on tweetup wiv owr pals, Rufus, Kipster, Ted, Toffee, Sidney, Cal nd Fweddie at Lulwerf Cove, Dorsitt!

We did set off nd woz avin luvli time singin nd wotchin da seenwii!

Sing it gen Sam er Jack!

Der be free weels on me wagon nd iz still wollin along .... *giggle* 
Nd den  *dwum woll* jus 8 mile frwum owr destinashunz da disasta did stwike! Da weel did neerli fal off da wagon car!

I dussnt beleeeev it!
Wel we wuz stuk! Al da gawajis be close nd we cud no dwive!  Dey did av deep discushunz nd der woz fyoo wayze voysis nd ibone convsayshunz til it be disidid dat we woz goin ome by twayn! So we did dwive vedi slowli to twayn stayshunz, send da norty car off wiv a big lowwy nd find owt bowt catchin twayne ome!

We az neva been on big twayne befur - but can wepawt to al furs dat it be mutch fun nd da umanz dus giv lots tenshunz nd noms - finx dey al be bit bored!  Ere be gwafik wecawd of jurnee!

Moov nose dad!  Iz blokin vyoo!

Did go vedy fass!

Iz neva seen sheeps moov so fass!

But it did go on fur long times nd we ad no ad nomz!

Dussnt me noo leed go nice wiv dads owtfit!

Iz wedi to get off now to be onest!
Finli we did wive bak in Brisol Parkwayz! We wuz al starvin - me nd Molly did look lyk dump dogz! We ad been up sinz cwak dorn nd ad no nomz! To giv uz al sustnanz to get ome we did derfur go to pubs nd av nomz nd warta!

See dat "M" - stan fur Marvin - Starvin Marvin!  Urri up awedi!
As yooshal da Molly did no no wen to stop - nd afta avin bit mutch of dads beer er did look lyk diz!

Ish der eni mor chiipsh?
So den we did walk fur miles nd miles (wel to) to get omes, nd did fal sleep nd dweem bowt da luvli tweetup we ad been faws miss!  We finx da mowal of diz episode be dussnt be singin songz dat mite cum twoo - nd dussnt be dwivin dojii cars to tweetups!  Let da twayn tak da stwayn eh?

Next time on Jack nd Molly's blog - 80 jiant payntid dogz meetz in wun shop in da senter of Brisol .....

Da Gwatist Dog Sho on Erff!

Ooh - nd befur we goze, we did jus wont say yooj fank you to owr pal Mr Hippy (@dirtyhippydalek) oo did win owr payntid Gwomit aft makin bid of £125, witch e did pay to Tewwia Wescue.

Ooo wil start uz at £100?
Nd also ... massiff fank yoo to #FlatMarley  fur conduktin da orkshun nd bloggin bowt owr #BTgwandayowt.  Yoo can weed all bowt it, nd ow yoo can waise munniis fur dogs on da #FlatMarley blog ere

Fank yoo fur weedin nd ta ta fur now!

Monday, 12 August 2013

#BTGwandayowt Da Gwomit Unt iz on!

Hey pals!

Fawt we wud use dis blog to giv yooz al da detayls of da upcumin tweet up - #BTGwandayowt!

It dus be apnin on Satday 24 Awgus, nd dus be comenzin at 1 clock in da aftnoon!

We iz takin vantij of da Gromit Unleashed Campaign dat be base in Brisol to av a fabtastik tweet up wiv owr pals!

Ere be sum egsampels of Gwomits weez awedy fownd.  We warns yooz now - dey iz big!

Jus up wode frum uz:-

Dussnt av to neel dad - iz embawasin!
Nd juz down da wode fwum uz:-

Why we av lie down - e no! No fair!

Wot dey fink we gonna do to im FDS?

By owr beedenz skool:-

Urri up - diz be wuff awea! We dussnt wont be seen wiv pwissy dog!

Nd den by da Clifton Downs *wispa* da posh awea:-

To posh to tawk eh? Pfft!

We fawt dis awea posh? E look lyk inbweed! Eeek!

Yoo tak pee wownd bak Molly - i be lookowt!

So deez be flayva of wot yooz wil find in Brisol.  Der be 79 algeva in da Brisol awea - nd wun in Lundun.  Obvusli we wil no av time go Lundun so we did ask owr pal Gimli (@Gimlibt) to send iz mini me on speshul mishunz - nd ee did cum bak wiv deez!

Mor powaful dan a locomotif

Tiz a berd a playne - no it be Gwomit nd Gimli nd er a ibone!

#flatmarley mild mannered wepawta

Yes dat do be #flatmarley yoo seez der - az e do be cumin on da tweet up wiv uz to.  Diz iz da ony blog we gonna do on #BTgwandayowt az weez gonna be playin #flatmarley wiv da west of owr fotos!

On da day we plans to find da Gwomits awownd da senta of Brisol so it wil elp if yoo downlowds da twayl map, nd/or da ap fur yooz ibone! Yoo can find owt bowt all diz at da link we did giv buv!  Wunz yoo az yooz map downlowded look fur Gwomit numba 7 - Potwee in Moshunz .... dat wer we be meetin.  If yooz on da list nd canno cum, pleez let uz no so we dussnt wayt fur yoo!

Weez plannin do sum untin - tak fyoo fotos, mabbe stop fur dwink on way wown, nd if da weva be gud, end up in Colij Gween or Kween Skware fur piknik!

If yoo wonts no oo be cumin on da tweet up yoo can find owt ere #BTgwandayowt Atendeez .  If yooz wonts to cum, pleez tweet uz so we can ad yoo to da list nd no to wayt fur yooz on da day!

Ere be a link to parkin sites neer wer we iz goin to be - Parkin neer Colij Gween If yoo iz cumin fwum owtside Brisol yoo needs folo sines to Harborside.  

So weez weely lookin farard to dis Gwan Day Owt, nd opes yoo all iz to - if enifur az eni kwestyuns pleez put comment on ere, or tweet uz!  We canno wayt to see yooz all der!  Woofhoohoo!

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Monty nd Betty Get Wed Part II

Ellos pals!  Weez so egsited to be bwingin  yooz da egsklusif wepawt of Monty nd Betty's hi siati weddin!
Ere yooz'll find al da egsclusif fotos nd gossip yooz been waytin fur!  Fusly do, yoo mite wont go nd weed part 1 of da Weddin blog, witch did av all da nownzmentz nd speeches fwom da weddin - der mite be sum nu wunz, so mak shure yoo weeds it!

Weez also wont fank all gests nd asistentz dat duz no apeer in da blog - speshli Jock nd iz sisfur Rosie fur pwofidin da muzak nd danzin!

So wivowt furva ado:-

Da invite - desine nd distwiboot by da eva verstile Mr Seb!

Nd nuva Mr Seb cweashun


Da bootful bwide:-

Wer be da cayke?
Da ansum gwoom:-

Iz opin it no be windee!
Da pawsta - lyk we sed, Mr Seb be Mr Verstile:-

Duz yooz pwomiz to chase kats fur az long az yooz bofe shal liv?
E did lata get chanj:-

I smell sossijis!
Da Best Dogz nd da Bwide Dogz Ewic, Yurs Twooli, Maggie nd Molly:-

Sum pawty dis iz!  Wer da cayke nd sossij sawce?
Nd (sum of) da gests:- 

Rohan - da brofur of da Bwide oo did pwovide case lowds of bacon champaz:-

Dat me sisfur dat iz *hic*!
Mr Verstile gen:-
I shud be danzin yeah!
Er ... ow verstile e need be?  (Ope e did manij avoyd Messrs Barney nd Rufus - jus sayin.)

Wot? I lyks owanj!
Da Skottish continjent - Mr Leo, lookin vedy smart:-

Er I seez yoo Jimmi Lilli!
Er da Iwish continjent - lookin bit confoos, owr gwate pal Mr Hippy:-

I did fink Monty woz Iwish? No?  Oo er! Shiva me timbaz!
Debutante Quiver - al da way frum da U S of A :-

Fawt deez BT pawtiz woz ment be wild?
Da vedy svelt nd ansum Gimli lookin  "JonnyDeppesk":-

Form an ordali kew gerlz!
Mr Smooth imsef - Cornish Barney:-

Wer be da gerlz?

Mr Barney?
Comptishunz fur Mr Barney? Rufus Bond:-

Stirred no shaken - wiv a cheez bwed stik pleez!
Miss no so Scruffy Buffy (vedy pweety I finx):-

Fown al diz in moms wordwobe! Jus small sherri pleez!
Bootiful Miss Lilli al dwess up wiv sumwer speshul to go:

I do lyk da look of dat Mr Leo!
Nd sum speshul gifs woz gwatfulli weseev!

Duz deez be edbel?

Can I tast em now?

Bootiful kennil plak fwum Mr Hippy fur der fus ome togeva!

Er kennil fweshnaz fwum da vedy cleva Miss Helen (@helenastik)

Nd da aftamaff!  Evrifur been in bed sinz Satdi - so nuffin to wepawt!  Sept fur diz ..... 

Monty nd Betty be ere sumwer!

Nd pwoof dat diz weely did appen - clik ere to see da Pawsta Seb's fishul wekord of da eventz!

Nd der yoo az it - to mor singel lyfs ruin a match mad in eaven! A gud time woz ad by all nd we opes dey dus stil be alowd owt on der own fur sum fun av a long nd appi lyf togeva! Woofhoohoo!

Monty nd Betty get Wed!

Ellos pals! Diz be Monty nd Betty's offishul weddin blog:-  It be currently unda constwucshun - so will be edited nd updated afta da event - fur now we iz usin it fur speechiz nd anownzments az da weddin be bwordcast live!  Woofhoo!!

Best man's speech (witen nd perform by Ewic...)

*Ahem……kiks poota…..atenshun weddin gests …..clears fwowt nervuslee*

Afor I start, cud sumfur PEAS give blubberin Stella a anki?
Weez be ere tuday tu selebwate, but er snots iz weally kwite manky!
Fur dogs sake wooman, it not a gud luk….it dwibblin down yur nek,
I noes yu be Bwides Mum, vewy pwoud, but get a gwip. Pfft….bloomin hek!

I iz weally onard tu welcum yous all, diz be sutch a speshul day,
Will it be in Woofhoo magazine?....depens ow mutch dey pay.
We fanks evwyfur fur cumin, frum de bottom ov ower art,
But BTW, at de alta, I ad tu wemind de Gwoom not tu f**t!!

Monty n Betty, ower Bwide n Gwoom, deyz fell in wuv ova Twitta.
I wos matchmaka I fink...intwodoosed dem. Dey bowf noo nofur wos fitta.
Weez also gotta fank Dear Marley…wivout Posse wher wud we be?
It all down to im az de founder…..we selebwating matrimonee!!

Wot can I say bout Bwidesmaids? I no even gonna jest.
Molly, Maggie….Yous iz gawjus, de vewy vewy best.
I noes yu tuk yur job sewius….az Betty sed “I do”
Yous bowf made shooer she wos wearin somat old n borrad n bloo!!

N az fur Betty *wipes a tear* she sutch a bootiful stunning Bwide.
N ower Monty…..sutch a luky fur, ee takes er paw wiv pwide.
Monty n Betty, diz yur speshul day, nd de nuptooalz now iz dun.
Congwatoolashuns my pals, frum all ov us…fur de two ov yu now iz wun!!


Nd now da nownzments - wed by me (Jack)  Iz weedin dem in da orda dat we did weseev dem: *cleers frote, coffs* 

Dear Monty + Betty,

              From the bottom of my furry heart I wish you both
       many many years of wedded bliss - remember 1 human year is 7 of ours!


                              Congratulations, luv, hugs and woofs!

                                                 Mr Seb



Deer Betty n Monty

I iz sowwy I will miss yor big day so haz dwessed up to send yoo a foto of me wubbin a lukky horseshoo to bwing yoo bowf lots of luk! I hopes yoo haz wundaful time. 
Woofy wishes, 
Ted xx


Hello, it be me Katie & Chester too! Wez wanting tu wish Monty & Betty a big congradulashunz for der weddin! Wez hopez uz hav wonderfural life tugeffur!
Katie & Chester


Cathy here!  Congratulations on your wedding Betty and Monty!!!
Cathy Jeffries 


We knows Mista Monty and know he is a twue gentleman an will mayke a luvlee husband for the bootiful Miss Betty.

Miss Rosie and I would like to wish dem long life an appiness and ope all dere trubbles are little wuns (oooh ickle pupees wud be luvlee)

Ah be veree appee to be makin da moosic for dis speshul event but it be Mista Monty an Miss Betty who will be maykin da most bootiful moosic togeva.

Love Mista Jock & Miss Rosie xxx


Dere Monty pal n dat lubly Betty, Iz not shure ow yoos met n fell in love but yoos did n dats dat! Iz not met many furs wot as got mawied but I fink it do be vewy speshul n one wurf shoutin bout so hip hip hoooway fur yoos!
Big love n kisses n dem hugs at yoos boff on yer day. 
Ms Ooolalaaaa Kipster xxxx



Sendin congwatulashuns nd jubilashuns to owr fave pair of Bts on da Btposse, MONTY nd BETTY, on their weddin day! YAY!!  Gud luck fer da futur!
Love fwom Rufus da Red nd Penny (his mum)xxxxxxx


Dear Betty & Monty
Fank you so much dear
Pals for letting us share dis
Your special day wiv us furs. 
You make a georgeous pair!!
Congratulations on your wedding
And enjoy every moment
Lots of woofs, licks & hugs
Cornish Barney xx
P.S is there any cute bridesmaids
For #007barney...*giggles* 


Wishing you a long and happy life together dear little sister Betty and new brother in law Monty. From Rohan and Dad


Monty & Betty up a tree
K I S S I N G 
Then came love and then came marriage
What's next?  A litter of puppies in a BT carriage?
He he!
Have a great life together! 
Love from Leotheborder and family xxx


Ah hem....Many conwatulashuns to 2 vewy speshul BT's, Monty & Betty on der vewy speshul mawwidge ♡Big snozzles Vanessa xxxx


Nd finali, Miss Maggie (bwidesmaid) wud lyk weed poem!

Love is not finding a fur you can live with, but finding a fur you cannot live without!
Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds or bends with a remover to remove. Oh no, it is an everlasting mark that looks on
tempests but is never shaken.


Nd me nd Molly wud jus lyk to say wot speshul pals Mondy nd Betty is - nd ow pleez we iz dat dey gettin togeva nd wishin dem vedy appi long lyfe togeva!

OK!  So dat be da nuptyools nd da noms nd nownzments dun - so lets waise owr glasses to da appi cuppel nd

P A W T Y    W O O F H O O H O O

Jock - get scwatchin pal!