So... Da tweet up be on Satdi 18ff July in Brisol!
We shall al meet at 1pm, den set off on da #btfindshawn trayl (Yes! We az owr own yooneek twayl! *sitid ears*). We az no disidid sakli wer meet yet - we twyin find owt wers yoo al cumin fwum so we can mayke it eezi fur yooz find parkin - so pleez let uz no toot sweet if yooz defo cumin! If yoo needz eni elp wiv findin lokayshunz, or comdayshunz pleez dm uz on twitta!
We az set up a list on owr twitter accownt nd az addid evwifur we can fink of oo az sed dey mite or iz defo cumin. If yoo go to lists yoo shud be abel see if yoo az bin addid to #btfindshwan list. If we az miss yoo we vedi sowwi, but we az ayjin staff to kontend wiv! If yoo tweet uz - or coment on diz blog we wil ad yoo! Yoo can den check da tweets of da lis membaz fur eni nu nooz - ND yoo wil be abel see al da fotos postid simpli by goin to da lis! *nod* Cleva eh? If yoo wonts see eni fotos but iz no cumin to da tweet up pleez feel fwee to subskwibe to it nd den yoo wil be abel to see wepawts on da tweetup unfold! Majik! *nod*
Also we needz yoo on list if yoo iz cumin so we no set off wivowt yoo!
We dussnt no if it gud or bad fing but we az gon nd orgnize #btfindshawn fur sayme weekend az da Brisol Arbor Festval! Diz duz meen der lots intwestin stuf goin on, but also meen da siti be vedi bizzi!
Weez plannin to end up in Casel Meed park arfway awown twayl nd av piknix, dwinx setwa! Yoo can bwing pixnix or der iz takway/eetin awea in park wer yoo can get snax nd coffees! Afta da piknix we can cawwi on fur west of da twayl - or if yoo az walk nuff by den can stay in park nd wotch werld go by or go ome or go shopin or do woteva yoo wonts do! Uvawize yoo can kontinyoo on da twayl wiv uz nd evwifur can den weturn to da park fur mor chats, dwinx nd gudbyes!
It is gonna be a welax afare nd you can dwop in nd owt of da twayl az yoo wonts so dussnt be wurriin bowt bein fasta or slowa dan eni uva fur!
Az we did say we az owr own yooneek #btfindshawn twayl nd we will av maps fur yooz al on da day!
Memba .. No climin on da sheeps..
We duz ope we al az luvli day - but pleez do no be too diswespekful eech uva - diz beyayvya wil no be tolwaytid ..
Ere duz be speshul pal in Casel Meed Park..
Ere iz a pic to wemind yoo wot Brisol, Gwomits nd BTs look lyke ... nd wot ugli bunch dem umanz iz! *snigga*
Dat is al fur now! Toodel pips!
Sownz splendid pals! Ave a fantastic time wif all da BTs!!!
ReplyDeletefrum Mista Hippy