Saturday, 26 January 2013

Blog Award

Yesterday we did wake up to speshul surpwize!  Owr gud pal Ruger ad ony gon nd got imsef award fur iz blog Ruger's Crew- nd den ad awarded uz da award to!

We woz onured nd umbelld!  We did feel a bit embawass cuz we az no been bloggin fur long, nd do no no dat we weely deserf da award! Enywayz we duz say fank yooz to owr pal Ruger fur bein so kind nd finkin of uz!

Da condishunz of da award meens dat we az to giv da award to five of owr favrit blogz!  Well dat did mak uz fink!  We az no ad mutch time to weed uva blogz sinz we az been bloggin - we ony nose of a few!  Diz duz no mak it eezia fur uz do, cuz we duz fink we needs to weserch mor blogz if we iz goin to be fair nd do justiz to all doze anipal bloggerz owt der!  So we did get down to sum weserch!

Witch pals duz bloggies!

We did weed sum of owr pals blogs - nd sum of da blogz dat owr pals follo!

Me ead urtz!
But all da blogz woz gud nd we cud no diside!

So me nd da Molly did av discushunz nd did agwee a list of fingz dat we wud like to see in blogz, nd wud like to acheev wiv owr blog!  Ere be dat list:-

- Keep da weeder'z tenshunz
- Be informatif
- Av sum komikal content
- Elp sumfur

So we az twied to giv dis award to blogz dat az cumplish lees wun of deez kwitewia!  Deez iz no da ony blogz dat do acheev diz nd we az to poynt owt dat we iz makin deez choysees base on limitid noledj of bloggin nd blogz!

So ere be owr choysees:- (dwum woll!)

iZa hArVeY & dA Lord Percy Plum tOO!  Diz be da blog of owr pals Harvey nd Percy -dey did use der blog to elp der dad waise money fur iz chawitee bike wide fur da Alziyma Sosiatee.  Der blog duz also be vedy funnii!  Yooz can also find Harvs nd Percy on Twitta - @bunnersandharvs

Life froo posie dorg's eyez We did weed diz blog befur we even ad a blog - nd it did inspia uz to start owr own.  It iz funnii nd informatif!  We do luv Posie's blog bowt "Cross Doggerys".  Da pictyas iz bwilliant to! Posie can be fownd on Twitta to - @posiedorg

 #flatmarley Diz be a "sleepin" blog at da moment - on olibobs til summa!  It duz waise muneez fur da Dog Twust ere in UK.  Iz a game dat dogz can play.  It woz wun by owr gwate late pal Marley, nd we iz opin dat is sun nd pwotejee Clapton will cawwy it on!  Even if e did no do, diz blog still deserf rekognishunz fur its gud werks! (Twitta name @claptonterrier)

Winston's Woofs Winston is a gwate pal of owrs - nd we fink a welatively noo blogga!  Iz blogz is vedy funni wiv lot of vedy cleva fotos (Winston do be open to food bribree!) Yooz can find Winston on Twitta to! @winstonswoofs

Nd owr final choys be The life and terrier times of Gimli the BT Dis be a bwand noo blog fur 2013!  In it Gimli be sewialisin da storee of iz life sinz e got to iz fureva ome, nd iz dad do be doin sum vedy cweatif fingz wiv iz eadwear! Informatif nd entertaynin! (@Gimlibt)

So dat be owr choyses - nd ere be der award!

Blog Awardz!
So weez say fank yoo to da Ruger wun mor times, nd encuwagis yooz all to visit da sites we az sujestid abuv - nd do opes yooz enjoys weedin dem like wot we duz!

Bye pals!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Ekspedishunz to da Golf Pole!

Ellos!  We az been on an amazin adventya today!

Diz mornin we wuz appily mindin owr own biziniss makin plans fur da day:-

Wundrin ow to spend da day!
Wen dey did cum nd tell uz we woz goin on vedy impawtant mishunz - an ekpedishunz to claim da Golf Pole fur da #BTPosse. (Fur dose of yooz oo do no alwedy no, da #BTPosse be a gwoop of tweetin BTs on Twitta - fownded by da late Marley Tewwia nd now pwesided ova by iz sun Clapton Tewwia!)  

Well, dey did tell uz to get wedy nd get in da snowmobil so dey cud dwop uz off far frum sivilisashunz, nd did giv uz deez meeger supplize!

Noms nd ice pik!
So we did do az we woz told, so we cud get bak to nappin as kwik as posbel!

But I woz avin nice dweem!

I woz no appy!

Pfft!  Ow long diz gonna tak?  I az toyz to kill!

Well, dey did drop uz off in da middel of nower, nd did giv uz deez instwukshunz nd tell uz no to fone ome until we ad compleet da mishunz!  (Enyfur no da numba fur anipal wescoo? Juz fur footya wefrenz?)


So dat iz wot we did do!  We az put filelm togeva to show ow da ekspedishunz did go.  We wuz suksesful, even do owr tewwia tenasity nd will to liv woz stwetch to da vedy limit nd weez pwowd to anownz dat da Golf Pole do now blongs to da #BTPosse.  Yay!

We woz soo egsawsted wen we did finally get ome, dat we did kwikly av a snax nd go to bed fur naps!

Bye pals!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Noms Glowius Noms!

Ellos!  Today's blog duz be bowt a subjek vedy close to owr earts - noms nd nommin.  Az yooz eva pondered on da fak dat uz dogz do spend all owr time waytin on da nex meel, or scwownjin noms in between meels?  We goze to bed dweemin of bwekfas, nd wen dat gon start dweemin of dinna!  Fur lots of dogs a walk nd der noms iz all dey az to look forard to evryday!

Molliva Twis - pleez mom can I av sum mor?

So why duz we neva stop finkin bowt noms?  We finx iz praps cuz we iz natwally scavenjas!  Dat iz ow we did becum domestikated!  Bwaver wolves did ang wownd uman vilajes nd eet der wubbish nd, er, coff, der poo nd stuff frum da latreens!  We iz pwogwammed to wont to scavenj (unt), nd iz dwiven to do it!  So aldo it be vedy nice of da umanz to pwovide uz wiv to meels a day in a bowl, weez still dwiven to scavenj - iz like avin an itch nd needin to scwatch it!

So games wer we serches fur fingz dat owr umanz ides is vedy gud fur owr bwanes nd owr jenral welbeen.  Oweva - noms can be use in deez games to make uz "werk" fur owr food.  Dis meens owr meels las longa.   

So usin food to satisfy owr need to unt nd occupy owr bwanes, nd stop uz eetin owr food to kwik nd gettin bad tummees can be vedy gud idee.  

We can av owr food in toys dat keep uz aktif.  (Deez be gud fur da Molly cuz dey duz keep er mor aktiv seein az er need to wotch er figa bein a gerl n'all!)

Der be toys dat mak uz solve pwoblems to get to da food - witch keep owr bwanes aktif nd elp keep uz intwested in fingz nd confident.  (Deez also be gud fur da Molly coz er can be bit of airead sumtime az er be gerl!)

Finally der be toys dat mak uz choo - witch iz anuva fing uz dogz needs to do to stay appy nd keep owr jaws nd teef elfy.  (Deez not so vital fur da Molly cuz er alays be movin er jaw chattin on acownt of bein gerl!)

Solvin pwoblem by opnin box nd investigaytin!

Nd yoo dussnt av to be be buyin lots ekspensif toys nd games nd stuff niva, yooz umans can mak up der own games wiv boxes nd paper cups nd plasik bokkels nd stuff!  Dey can also juz ide yoos food wownd da gardin nd wownd da owse (best if dwy food do (giggle)).

Der do be a sewious side to all of dis do!  If I duz undastan da syenz kowekly, wen we iz suksesful by findin summat or solvin a puzzel owr bwanes duz welease a cemikal dat mak uz appy!  If der be nuff of diz cemikal in da body we stays mentalee elfy!  If no we mite becum bored, fwustated or angwy  - or depwess or anxshus!  (If yooz finkin of impwessin yooz pals da kemikal be call dopameen.)  So usin food like dis elp keep owr bwane kemistwee in balanz!

So we duz sumtime eet owt of bowls - speshully if weez avin sloppy uman food, but we az lots of owr meels in toyz, puzzelz or jus scattered.  Sumtime we do take owr meel wiv uz on a walk nd twayne wiv it - witch meen we lern to focus on da uman nd no go wunnin off nd get in danjrus sitwashunz!  Bowls is soooo las sentwy pals - so ditch em nd get cweeatif wiv yooz noms!

We az put togeva diz likel vidyo to demstwate ways of makin meels las longa nd mor fun:-

CAWSHUNZ:  If der be mor dan wun dog in yooz owse mak shure yoos no start fite ova foods - av toyz/games in sepwate wooms if wun of yoo gards food!  Nd ... if yoo ome lone wiv food toyz mak shure dey is no destwuctabel.  NO FITES nd NO CHOKIN!  OK?

Oooh!  Iz noms time!  Laterz!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

A Likel bit of Itlee in Bwisol

Dis be EUR in Wome, Itlee:-

EUR be da bizzynis distwik of Wome.  It was da bwane child of Mussolini nd woz wijinaly bilt to hold da 1942 Werld Fair to celebwate 10 yrs of fasism in Itlee.  Oweva, a war did get in da way nd da fair did no appen. Afta da war dey did cawwy on bildin da awea nd turn it into da bizzyniss distwik.  Da awea av lots intwestin artektya nd pwovide big contwas wiv all da anshunt monmentz nd stuff!

Mom nd Dad was olibobin in Wome, nd stayin in hotel in EUR wen dey did diside to get da Molly nd did choos er name - so it av sentmental contashunz fur dem.  (Pfft!  Silly umanz!)

Dis be Aztec West, Norf Bwisol, Inglund:-

Dis be a bizzyniss park jus up da wode frum wer we lives.  It duz wemind uz of EUR nd we do go walkin der sumtime on weekendz!  Diz place woz bilt froo owt 1980's nd woz wijinaly meant to be fur IT cumpanees.  Wen we go der oweva der dussnt be eny bizzyniss goin on xsept fur da coffee nd cayke shop!

So!  Weez gessin yooz askin why wuds yoo go walkin wownd a bizzyniss park?  Well der be lots weeeson.  Wun big vantaj is dat it is juz up wode - ony 30 min walk to get der, witch is lot cheepa nd kwika dan plane wide to Wome!

Da Tellytubbies do also liv der!  Is twoo - look da Tubbytronik Supa Dome is behind uz!  So weneva we goze der we be lookin fur dem as well as de skwizzels dat we duz sumtimes chase. 

Infwont of da Tellytubby owse!
Wen we goze der on de weekend der is no cars or nuffin so we can play ball in da carparks nd wunda wownd wivowt a leed.  Der is also lakes nd dux der nd we sumtimes meets uva furs to.

We did go der las Sundayz nd afta we ad wun awownd fur a wile we did go to da coffee nd cayke shop fur wecuperashunz.

Eny lef fur uz?

Dey did evenshuly giv uz a teeny tiny morsel!  Pfft! Gweedy umanz!

Molecool of cwok masoowa! (Dat be Fwench!)

Nd wen we woz fulee wecuvad we did set off ome, but did mak a detoor to see da dux on da way!  Wen we did get der we did no av eny noms fur dem on acownt of da umanz avin been so gweedy.  So we did diside to do a danz fur dem so az dey woz no to dispoynted!

Ded fly danz fur da dux - coz we noze dey like flies!

Added vantaj of da danzin woz dat da spot we did mistakenly choos to pawform on woz cuva in dux poo so we did get a nice smell afta!  De dux woz no pawtikly gwateful so we did cawwy on wiv owr jurney ome.

Wunz ome we did av nice west infwont of owr noo fire, nd let da odur de dux (Fwench gen) matyooa!

Mmm!  Sniff sniff!
Nd dat woz owr dey in Aztec West - or az we pawfur to call it likel Itlee!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Anfru...anfor ...anfropomor..anfropomorfizem?

We can ardly say it nd we can defo no spell it but dis werd do be vedy pawtant! It az cawz uz dogz to be luvd nd given omes but it az also ment weez been subjekted to cwoolty!  So wot it meen?

Well acordin Wikpidya duz meen 'da attwibushun of uman karaktwistix to uva anipals'. So weez undastandin dat to meen dat de umans be finkin weez likel furry umanz oo do undastand nd like efurryfin uman!  At diz poynt we nose meny of owr doggy pals az started wollin da eyes nd gwonin az deez beleefs can leed to umilashunz fur us .....


Xtweem umiliashunz!

We undastand dat dis dwessin up stuff duz mak dem appy, nd mos of uz gwin nd bare it - cos no urt nuffiin reely - dey az needs oweva stwanj dey mabbe!

Walt Disney was ah..anfr..anfropomorfik.  In iz filelms e did giv uz dogs da same emoshunz az umanz. Diz duz sumtime go to far do - coz emoshunz iz no da same as motivashunz. 

Fur sample - dog get lef ome alone, no like it nd wip up furniture.

Uman fink dog angry, upset, scared (emoshunz) dat left on own so wip up stuff to get wevenj (motivashun)

Dog feel angry, lonely, upset, scared (emoshunz), rip up stuff cos tak mind off bad feelin nd mak im feel better (motivashun)

Umanz needs to undastan we az needs nd owr emoshunz dwive uz to fulfil deez needs.  We needs choo, so wen lef alone if dey did leev uz lots nommy safe fingz to choo we wud choo deez fingz cuz we wud be makin owrsefs feel betta bowt bein lone, nd we wud be satisfyin owr need to choo!

We duz not ever plot nd skeem to pay sumwun bak or get wun ova on sumwun deez iz complex uman twaits dat we duz no av - nd da umanz finkin we duz iz wer anfropomorfizem go to far!

So umanz - stop expektin uz fink like umanz cuz we canno, but twy fink mor like dogs coz yooz can!