We woz onured nd umbelld! We did feel a bit embawass cuz we az no been bloggin fur long, nd do no no dat we weely deserf da award! Enywayz we duz say fank yooz to owr pal Ruger fur bein so kind nd finkin of uz!
Da condishunz of da award meens dat we az to giv da award to five of owr favrit blogz! Well dat did mak uz fink! We az no ad mutch time to weed uva blogz sinz we az been bloggin - we ony nose of a few! Diz duz no mak it eezia fur uz do, cuz we duz fink we needs to weserch mor blogz if we iz goin to be fair nd do justiz to all doze anipal bloggerz owt der! So we did get down to sum weserch!
Witch pals duz bloggies! |
We did weed sum of owr pals blogs - nd sum of da blogz dat owr pals follo!
Me ead urtz! |
But all da blogz woz gud nd we cud no diside!
So me nd da Molly did av discushunz nd did agwee a list of fingz dat we wud like to see in blogz, nd wud like to acheev wiv owr blog! Ere be dat list:-
- Keep da weeder'z tenshunz
- Be informatif
- Av sum komikal content
- Elp sumfur
So we az twied to giv dis award to blogz dat az cumplish lees wun of deez kwitewia! Deez iz no da ony blogz dat do acheev diz nd we az to poynt owt dat we iz makin deez choysees base on limitid noledj of bloggin nd blogz!
So ere be owr choysees:- (dwum woll!)
iZa hArVeY & dA Lord Percy Plum tOO! Diz be da blog of owr pals Harvey nd Percy -dey did use der blog to elp der dad waise money fur iz chawitee bike wide fur da Alziyma Sosiatee. Der blog duz also be vedy funnii! Yooz can also find Harvs nd Percy on Twitta - @bunnersandharvs
Life froo posie dorg's eyez We did weed diz blog befur we even ad a blog - nd it did inspia uz to start owr own. It iz funnii nd informatif! We do luv Posie's blog bowt "Cross Doggerys". Da pictyas iz bwilliant to! Posie can be fownd on Twitta to - @posiedorg
#flatmarley Diz be a "sleepin" blog at da moment - on olibobs til summa! It duz waise muneez fur da Dog Twust ere in UK. Iz a game dat dogz can play. It woz wun by owr gwate late pal Marley, nd we iz opin dat is sun nd pwotejee Clapton will cawwy it on! Even if e did no do, diz blog still deserf rekognishunz fur its gud werks! (Twitta name @claptonterrier)
Winston's Woofs Winston is a gwate pal of owrs - nd we fink a welatively noo blogga! Iz blogz is vedy funni wiv lot of vedy cleva fotos (Winston do be open to food bribree!) Yooz can find Winston on Twitta to! @winstonswoofs
Nd owr final choys be The life and terrier times of Gimli the BT Dis be a bwand noo blog fur 2013! In it Gimli be sewialisin da storee of iz life sinz e got to iz fureva ome, nd iz dad do be doin sum vedy cweatif fingz wiv iz eadwear! Informatif nd entertaynin! (@Gimlibt)
So dat be owr choyses - nd ere be der award!
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Blog Awardz! |
Bye pals!
You haz deserved your ward my pal....*yawn*...I haz dellygated mines to Claptun....